Does the Color of Your Car Impact Safety?

Some car buyers care more about color than others. Even if it’s not high on your list, chances are you have colors you prefer and colors you’d rather avoid. Typically, though, car safety is not a consideration—but perhaps it should be.

Which Car Colors Are Most Popular?

Six colors dominate the U.S. car market. These six colors, in order of popularity, made up 95 percent of the vehicles sold in 2023:

  • White
  • Gray
  • Black
  • Silver
  • Blue
  • Red

No other color made up even two percent of the new car market. White is the single most popular color in half of U.S. states, including Texas. It’s particularly popular in warmer states in the southern half of the country.

The Safest Color

Several studies have attempted to determine the safest car color for avoiding crashes. The studies do not all agree, but two colors typically come out on top: yellow and white.

It’s important to note that the gap between the safest and most dangerous colors is not that large. White cars were just 12 percent less likely to be involved in a car crash than the worst car color, black. Still, every percent can count when it comes to keeping your family safe.

Why Do Certain Car Colors Have Less Accidents?

When drivers see another vehicle early enough, they can perform evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision. The safest cars are visible and give other drivers time to react to them. Here’s reasoning for why these colors are safest.

White Cars: Have you ever noticed a group of cars slowing down as they come up behind a white car? Since at least the 1950s, people have associated white vehicles with police. To avoid speeding tickets, many people slow down. And slower cars can mean fewer accidents.

Yellow Cars: While taxis are a less common sight on roads these days, yellow was chosen for these vehicles for a reason: It draws attention. Cabs were supposed to be easy to spot by pedestrians, and they’re just as easy to spot for fellow motorists.

Light-Colored Cars: Lighter cars are generally easier to see than darker vehicles. Black is the most dangerous color because it’s harder to see. That problem gets worse at night, in low light or on roads paved with blacktop.

Safe Driving Beats Safe Colors

How much importance should you place on the color of your vehicle? Probably not very much. Ultimately, accidents can be prevented by attentive and focused driving. You’ll be much better off driving a black car with your phone off and out of sight than a white car with your phone in your hand.

Experienced Texas Personal Injury Attorneys

No car color can prevent every car accident. If you’ve been in a collision, you may need the help of a skilled car accident lawyer to get proper compensation.

At the Fell Law Firm, our team represents the victims of Texas motor vehicle accidents. Call us today at 972-450-1418 or submit our contact form to schedule a consultation.

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